Tuesday, March 18, 2008

words cant describe...

This is my piece for the text based assignment. I enjoyed doing this but it was also a lot of tedious work having to write the same word a million times. I began with an image that i found on the internet and started to replace things like the background image with the word background, the lady's hair with the word hair and so on. Once i had all the words in place i began adding filters, and some shadows using the burn tool and the drop shadow tool. I used some blending tool for more effects, as well as the liquefy tool. Here is my final masterpiece. Everything in this image is text...neat.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

photo restoration 3: the blend

After restoring both images I blended them together. I placed the boy into the photo of his parents at the beach and added a bit of a grain filter to bend them together. I had to do this because I could not get it to blend together perfectly with lighting options. I added a satin overlay on the boy to create a shadow of his dad on him. I then added some light colours to the photograph to help blend it all together.

photo restpration 2

This is the second photo that I restored. The original one on the left had several cracks and creases and some spotting. I used the cloning tool to get rid of those. The edges had also turned an orangy brown so i cleaned those up. I also lightened the photo to make it a little brighter and "fresher" looking.

photo restoration 1

This was the first image that I restored for this assignment. The original is on the left. It has a lot of scratches and water splotches on it. To get rid of the scratches, I did a lot of cloning. I also used cloning to get rid of the edges of the water marks and then I colourized it using the hue saturation to make the colours more even. The original also had some odd colour stains on it.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

safari adventure

This assignment required us to do some layer styles and text work. So i made a poster for a hypothetical safari adventure on no given date. I used the liquefy fibers to create the sky and used some filters on other parts of the image. I put some shadows on the mountain and then using the history brush i got rid of some filter layers to create a photo to poster effect. I added in a camera with the original image in its monitor because who goes on a safari adventure without a camera?